About Us
Equality Australia is a national organisation dedicated to equality for LGBTIQ+ people.
We combine legal, policy and communications expertise with thousands of supporters to ensure LGBTIQ+ people are treated with dignity and respect.

Equality Australia exists to improve the wellbeing and circumstances of LGBTIQ+ people in Australia and their families by:
- Relieving distress and disadvantage to LGBTQI+ people;
- Reducing the prevalence and relieving the effects of depression, suicide, anxiety, bullying, and homelessness they experience;
- Reducing the stigma and discrimination they experience;
- Advancing and promoting equality and inclusion; and
- Enhancing their actual, and sense of safety, security and acceptance.
We stand together and we stand proud because no one deserves to be treated as less than for simply being who they are. Not the rainbow family. Not the trans teenager. Not the teacher or student just trying to go to school.
We are working with gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people to build the power, voices and influence of our communities to address their suffering. We also work in partnership with other organisations to achieve our aims.

With wide consultation from community and the organisations we work closest with, we developed this Strategic Plan to guide our work and our approach for the next three years.

Our Mission is to create positive legal and social change to ensure LGBTIQ+ people are treated equally and with dignity and respect.
Our Vision is for a fair and inclusive Australia for all LGBTIQ+ people, their families and their communities.