
How you can do it 

We’ve created a simple template to assist people who want to include Equality Australia. You can use the following language directly in your Will.  

After the payment of all my debts, funeral and testamentary expenses including all death, estate and succession duties payable upon or in consequence of my death and in relation to my estate:  

a. I give to Equality Australia Ltd ABN 20 609 977 764 for its general charitable purposes:  

[Choose and insert the appropriate statement from the list below]  

i. the whole of my estate of whatsoever kind and wheresoever situate; or  

ii............. % of my estate; or  

   iii. the sum of $ …………………….... free of all duties and taxes payable at my death; or  

   iv. my ……………………… (fully describe any asset to be gifted); or  

   v. the residue of my estate, subject to the preceding gifts in this Will;  

b. If the gift in subparagraph (a) of this clause cannot take effect completely or at all, to the extent that it cannot take effect I give the gift in subparagraph (a) of this clause to the charitable organisation or organisations in Australia which my executors in their discretion consider most nearly fulfils or fulfil the objects I intend to benefit in the share or shares my executors think fit. The objects I intend to benefit include to improve the wellbeing and circumstances of LGBTIQ+ people; and  

c. I declare that the receipt of the treasurer, secretary or public officer for the time being of a beneficiary under this clause is a sufficient discharge to my executors in respect of a gift to that beneficiary.   

But this isn’t your only option

Equality Australia has partnered with Safewill to make it easier for you to navigate this process. 

Learn more about how you can leave a gift in your Will.

Or for more information, please reach out to us on bequest@equalityaustralia.org.au

How will YOUR gift make a difference?