Equal ALLways FUND enables us to grow sustainably, and it guarantees we are prepared and ready for future challenges whether they be fighting for equal rights, fending off attacks or protecting our gains.
Equal ALLways FUND recognises that the work we do and the needs of our community span generations.
Equality Australia is taking steps NOW to ensure we are there when the community NEEDS us in the years to come.

Challenges ahead
Events overseas show us that progress can never be taken for granted, and that all that has been achieved can easily be undone without strong voices to defend it.
There will always be a need for a champion for our community that is resilient, effective, and most importantly, has established and secure resources.
We're campaigning for full equal rights of people, free from discrimination and celebrated with pride.

Our History
Our movement has come a long way since the 78ers first walked out of the bars and onto the streets of Sydney.
Together we have fought to have our love decriminalised, our relationships and our families
recognised and to be protected from discrimination.
But the fight is far from over.
Investment Committee

David Lane
EA Board member and Investment Committee Chair.
Former CEO of Americas, Perpetual

Paul Banks
External Investment Committee member
Director, Future Fund of Australia

Ryan Phillips PSM
EA board member, Investment Committee member
Associate Secretary, Victorian Department of Justice and Community Safety
How we work

For more information or any inquiries, contact our team at: ceo@equalityaustralia.org.au