
Stand Up Against Hate

Attacks are on the rise against our community. We need to stand together to make sure LGBTIQ+ people are protected.

The LGBTQ+ community should be safe to live free from hate. Take action now!


  • There's been a rise in anti-LGBTQ+ hate across Australia, driven by increasingly organised extremists.
  • LGBTIQ+ events such as drag story times and youth programs across Victoria and NSW have been cancelled due to the presence of anti-LGBTIQ+ protestors.
  • It takes many shapes from: graffiti, hate speech, vandalism, threatening presences at community events and centres, unfair and sensationalised media attention and even targeted complaints against queer books.
  • Our community does not have adequate protections under the law -- this has to change.

In many states there are insufficient protections for LGBTIQ+ people who experience hate. There are no national laws and at the state level, SA, WA, and VIC have no laws protecting the LGBTIQ+ community from hate speech and vilification. 

With attacks on the rise, especially against the trans community, there is urgent need for stronger measures to protect the community.

These should include:

  • As a first step, national anti-vilification laws and laws in all states that currently lack these protections.
  • Greater focus on initiatives that prevent hate and ensure our communities are protected if it does.
  • Greater investment for LGBTIQ+ community-led responses to support survivors and undertake public education.

Let’s build the public pressure to protect the LGBTIQ+ community from hate and ensure effective anti-vilification laws exist no matter where you live.